Advanced Biofuels

At Medara we are proud to consider ourselves specialized in the trading of advanced biodiesel. Advanced biofuels are generally produced from lignocellulosic feedstocks (e.g., bagasse, corn stover, wheat straw), industrial waste and residue streams, and non-food crops (e.g., algae, grasses). Such biofuels have very low-ILUC (Indirect Land Use Change) risk given their high glasshouse gas emission reduction and extremely low CO2 emission characteristics. Our experts’ team is ready to deliver the best opportunities in the advanced biodiesel market for your business.



Palm Oil Mill Effluent Methyl Ester (POMEME) is obtained from the wastewater of palm oil’s production process. According to the EU Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II), POMEME can be counted twice in order to achieve renewable energy targets, as it provides a second life to the POME, which can cause significant pollution if wrongfully disposed. It has a high gel point which encourages its usage in regions with warmer climate conditions.

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