Second Generation Biofuels

Another strength in Medara’s trading portfolio is our knowledge of the second generation biofuels market. The production of these biofuels includes a wide range of feedstocks, typically non-edible biomass such as agricultural residues, animal wastes, and used cooking oil. The biodiesel produced with these carbon neutral feedstocks has a huge potential in reducing CO2 emissions.



Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester (UCOME) is a type of biodiesel produced from used cooking oil as its feedstock, which is composed by a variety of oils collected from the food industry, restaurants, and households.

TME Category 1 & 2

TME Category 1 & 2

Tallow Methyl Ester (TME) is a form of biodiesel made of different types of animal fat that presents a cheaper, efficient and abundant source of renewable fuel. TME 1 & 2 consists of tallow sources which are not destined for human consumption for presenting health risk to humans. The tallow biodiesel has a significantly high potential to reduce GHG emissions and due to its chemical properties, has a high gel point and provides better ignition quality.

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