
Our commitment to transparency and sustainability is one of our biggest priorities. At Medara we hold the most recognized certifications required for the business areas in which we participate, enabling us to operate with excellence and trust, and to continuously guarantee our business’ sustainability.


ISCC stands for International Sustainability and Carbon Certification. ISCC is a globally applicable sustainability certification system and covers all sustainable feedstocks, including agricultural and forestry biomass, circular and bio-based materials and renewables.

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INS or Italian National Scheme is the accreditation for the sustainability of biofuels and bio-liquids required to operate in Italy. At Medara, as holder of this certificate, we will be able to assist you with any specific requirements regarding the Italian Market.

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Nabisy, the governmental web application for sustainable biomass (Nachhaltige Biomasse System, Nabisy), operated by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), serves to prove the sustainability of bioliquids and/ or liquid or gaseous fuels from biomass.

Nabisy Id: EU-BM-13-Lfr-10012080


EFISC-GTP stands for European Feed and Food Ingredient Safety Certification. With an EFISC-GTP certificate you can collect, transport, store, trade and produce safe food and feed ingredients.

EFISC-GTP offers a chain approach to guarantee the safety and quality of the feed production chain. By complying with the EFISC-GTP standards, Medara Trading BV also complies with animal feed legislation, applying HACCP principles.

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