Voluntary Carbon Markets

Voluntary Carbon Markets can contribute significantly with reaching net-zero emissions targets. Medara Trading operates on the Voluntary Carbon Markets helping our customers compensate their unavoidable GHG emissions and reduce their footprint. Companies can offset their emissions on a voluntary basis by purchasing Carbon Credits issued by carbon-reduction projects that were able to avoid, capture or reduce CO2 (or any other equivalent amount of GHG) from the atmosphere. Each Carbon Credit corresponds to 1 metric tonne of CO2 that was removed or prevented from being emitted.



Verified Carbon Standard was created by Verra, an independent certification agency, being world’s most used voluntary GHG program, with more than 1,800 verified projects which have reduced or removed over 966 million tonnes of GHG from the atmosphere.

Gold Standard

Gold Standard

Gold Standard (GS) is a program that ensures carbon credits issued from climate action projects of non-governmental organizations to be real, verifiable and measurable. GS has already certified more than 2,300 projects which were responsible to reduce 191 million CO2 tonnes of the atmosphere.  The standard guarantees that projects also promote sustainable development and creates value to the communities besides reducing GHG emissions.



REDD+ stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, as well as the sustainable management of forests, and the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks.



The Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Standards were created by CCBA and since 2014 have been managed by Verra. The program was developed to guide land management projects (from the design to implementation) which aim to reduce GHG emissions and generate additional benefits to the communities and conserve biodiversity. CCB Standards have been validated in more than 60 countries, achieving nearly 200 projects.



At Medara we work with a broad spectrum of technologies that encompass from nature-based solutions such as reforestation, agriculture and cookstoves, to renewable energy such as solar, wind or hydro.

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